Showers of Nectar – English
A powerful exposition of some of Srila Prabhupada’s nectarean purports to intensify the Vaishnavas’ attachment to Krishna-bhakti. Accumulated over years of dedicated practice of Krishna consciousness, these divine realizations can help us advance in Krishna consciousness.
Touching Your Heart – English
Selections from various lectures providing instructive insights into Krishna consciousness. Many of these instructions have both practical and philosophical applications to help aspiring devotees in their spiritual lives. These sublime instructions will definitely touch the reader’s heart; they are deceptively simple, but go deep to touch the soul.
Toward Kṛṣṇa’s Abode – English
Book type: Soft bound | Number of pages : 130
Philosophical pitfalls await us all around, ready to drag us into the abyss of informed speculations about our philosophy and imagined justifications of our activities that are influenced by maya. This book will inform and enlighten the readers and encourage them to take practicing Kṛṣṇa consciousness more seriously. The vivid real-life situations that Guru Mahārāja recounts in this book will put us back on track whenever we go astray. Moreover, this book will certainly endear itself to us, since Guru Mahārāja presents the philosophy in his inimitably engaging and humorous but insightful style. Gift yourself this little treasure titled Toward Kṛṣṇa’s Abode, and have yourself to thank eternally!
VaisnavaKe? (What Kind of Devotee are You?) – English
Book type: Soft bound | Number of pages : 150
Nineteen verses in Bengali by SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura with a commentary by SrilaJayapataka Swami Maharaja based on SrilaPrabhupada’s teachings, It describes the pitfalls of premature attempts to engage in solitary chanting, the true nature of yukta-vairagya and topics relevant to contemporary attitudes in the Gaudiya Vaishnava community.
Vrindavane Bhajan – English
Book type: Hard bound | Number of pages : 224
A Bengali poem by SrilaPrabhupada when he was in Vrindavan, prior to leaving for the West, on the significance and urgency of obeying the instructions of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Translated into English and commented upon by SrilaJayapataka Swami Maharaja on the basis ofSrilaPrabhupada’s books.